After three months abroad, I’m finally back and excited to get back into the swing of things!! 🙂  While in Korea, I was equipped only with my dinky excruciatingly slow and almost vintage 13″ macbook, making it pretty darn painful to work on anything photography related. Now that I’m back in front of my glorious 27 inch, (I personally voiced a attempted angelic “awwhhhhhhhh” when I turned it on) I can’t wait to share all the photo’s I have saved up! 😀

With that said….

Monica and Danny are getting married this weekend!! Woohoo!!! I am so excited to kick off the 2014 Wedding season with this ridiculously amazing and good looking couple!  I had the privilege of meeting Monica through the medical school network–(specifically my awesome neighbors Eden/Brinja/Elliot) I had heard so many wonderful things about how cool and fun she was, (they are all true!) so I felt extra lucky I got chosen to take her photos!  Doctors truly have some of the hardest work and working hour’s I’ve ever encountered and I admire them all greatly for sticking through all these years and into residency!


Monic and Danny’s adorable proposal story:

Danny:”Monica loves to trail run, and also likes surprises. So, I bought the ring and asked her dad for permission without her finding out, then invited her on an early morning trail run. We got a late start, but we went out to a beautiful trail near my place in Irvine that goes through hills and overlooks the ocean (I really wanted to do it here, but she was the one who suggested it, making my surprise plan work out all the better!).

Monica:  “About 1.5 miles in, we came to a small clearing on top of a hill, which looked west over the ocean and east to the mountains, and Danny told me his ankle was hurting and he wanted to fix his shoe. Frustrated that our run might end so soon, I turned toward the ocean to at least get a little bit more of the view. When I turned back to Danny, I saw that he was fumbling to get a ring out of the bag he’d been secretly carrying it in. My first response was “WHAT??!!??!”

Danny:  “She was surprised, and after making me sweat for a minute she smiled really big and nodded and said yes. I think my favorite part, b/c it is just like her, is that afterwards she still wanted to finish the run!


As you can probably infer from their proposal story– these two love a good outdoor adventure! From hiking, exploring new cities, climbing mountains, biking to driving up the coast, it seems like they do it all! So I knew we had to brainstorm there engagement around adventure! So, we found ourselves some binoculars, a old school map (okay, okay, its actually a Lord of the Rings Middle Earth Map), a vintage camera, a pocket knife and we were set to go!  Please Enjoy! 😀 😀