Really excited to share that I’ve been featured in California Day Magazine!! š
This feature really gave me an opportunity to reflect and be thankful. I wish I could accredit myĀ successĀ to myself, but I can only point to the sky and thank God.
My whole life I worked hard towards a whole other future I thought I would have: Pharmacy. IĀ receivedĀ a high SAT score, I was featured in theĀ ChineseĀ newspaper for winning the OC Science fair, I Ā graduated with aĀ BiochemistryĀ degree at UCSD. I was well on my way to having a stable well paying job that would allow me to pursue my artistic hobbies on the side. At least that was the plan.
Having dipped my toes in both the artistic realm and theĀ scienceĀ realm. I can see that God’s plan was so much better than mine.
Straight out of college I went in to Proteomic Research, and honestly, I sucked at it. I worked and studied harder than I could remember but procured such pathetic results. But this was the path I had chosen and I stubbornly charged forward. It wasn’t till arriving in Loma Linda, unable to find any type of science related job, that I was forced to explore other venues. Ā Humbled, I ended up in a retail job working at the mall. My choice? Nope. Am I glad it happened? YES!
All my first Photography clients came from co-workers at that mall job I thought I didn’t need. Ā They gave me the encouragement, courage and push that I needed. I will be forever thankful to them.Ā During this time, Photography came so unexpectedly, so easily, so naturally. Ā I could see that the skill sets I was born with, that I obtained throughout my life have molded me to be successful in this field. Not to say I don’t also work hard, (there are days I want to pull out every single strand of hair on my head) but its the kind of hard work I LOVE to do. I can honestly proclaim “I LOVE MY JOB.” Ā š
This isn’t a huge feature, and some can hardly call this success. But to me, success is havingĀ somethingĀ to be thankful for, even the little things.
For me this is a huge moment ofĀ success.